Our Story

Bottling childhood memories
The idea for The Cotswold Discovery Trail was born long ago deep in the childhood of a now 37 year old man. It's always stuck with me, the memories as a child, going out on a treasure trail with my good friend Sam, my Dad and his friend Andrew. Armed with a "Trail Pack" full of questions and a route to follow we set off in the family car across the Cotswolds. Me and Sam were sat in the back with our own copy of printed A4 paper with the directions and questions, keen to win, a team out on a mission exploring and discovering the Cotswolds....All in all it was a fantastic day out......
A few years ago i began to ask myself 'why hasn't anyone done a great version of something like that'. Something that's appealing to adults and children alike, locals and tourists, easily accessible across the region and open to do all year round.
Well of course i did the required investigation for what was already on the market, and i couldn't find anything that matched my initial 'crude' ideas that were mixing with old memories like fresh milk in a cup of coffee.
I began the broad brush strokes of fleshing out this idea by looking at a map and determined an initial route of exploration. I subsequently drove up and down the Cotswolds, visiting towns and villages the length and breadth of the region. Many, i guiltily have to admit, i had never been to before, but this only created a great sense of adventure in developing the idea and determining the routes, structure and content amongst a galaxy of fantastic places across the Cotswolds that i was discovering myself for the very first time.
I was often out doing this with my better half Jules. If the fun we had out on the road researching this was anything to go by, surely this was going to be something other people would enjoy doing? Jules has been fantastic in her encouragement throughout this.....
As the content began to take shape and the ideas matured launching the project properly cooled off as other commitments took over and doubt about its credentials lingered.
Eventually i pushed on, investing the time to take it forward and here we are today. The ideas and improvements are still flowing after setting sail with the Cotswold Discovery Trail but we have something here that i'm sure you will love.
Hint for the answers code: think of descending scale starting with the page