Schools Summer Challenge

Follow the clues, answer the questions and discover the Cotswolds
2 fun filled days out learning about the Cotswolds as you see the sights
Trails to complete by car and explore on foot at frequent locations
Each trail brings a balance of town, village, countryside and historical monument for you to discover.
They traverse the 4 historic counties of Gloucestershire, Oxfordshire, Wiltshire and Worcestershire, but are not just a journey across the Cotswolds, they are a journey through time, allowing you to discover the full depth and rich history of the Cotswolds as well as its stunning beauty.
1 x Trail Pack - £36
3 x Trail Packs - £75
6 x Trail Packs - £115
The Cotswold Discovery Trail has launched the Schools Summer Challenge.
We want to get local kids and their families out there having fun discovering the Cotswolds.
With your school registered we provide a 30% DISCOUNT when purchasing a trail pack.
To get the discount we supply a COUPON CODE for each school who will distribute that code to kids and families who attend that school. This will be emailed to you upon registration.
Simply enter that coupon code at checkout when buying online to activate the discount.
Every school trail pack we send out will include a special answer sheet for both discovery trails together with a stamped address envelope for them to be returned to us.
There is no limit on the number of teams per school.
We are going to keep a league table of all register schools and participants on this page for both north and south Cotswold Discovery trails. Can you top the tables and bring glory to your school?
When armed with your Schools coupon code, on the 'checkout page' click on the "ENTER COUPON CODE" tab to enter it and activate the discount

If your school is not registered yet email us or fill in the form to the right and we will get you set up.
League Table for the South Cotswold Discovery Trail
Separate league tables for our
North and South Cotswold Discovery Trails will appear here as we grow the number of registrants and people start to take on the trails.